Thursday, April 10, 2008

Here we go

So I read an article on (subscription required) this morning about parenting blogs and thought to myself, "Why can't I do this?". My wife will tell me it's because I suck at writing. I say, do people really care how gramatically correct my writing is? I doubt it (at least I hope they don't care). When I sent the article to my brother and he replied (with a quote from the article no less) that there are over 200,000 parenting blogs out there, I didn't care. Anyway, we'll see where this goes.

A little background on me and my family. My wife and I have been married for 5 1/2 years and have been together for a little over 12 years. Jacob, our son, turned 2 at the beginning of February. I've lived in Northern Jersey almost my entire life except for the 7 years when I was away at college and living in "the city" so I think I've got a pretty good handle on what life is like around here. Note: If I have to explain to you what city I'm referring to, then you're obviously not from around here.

I have no blogging experience whatsoever so I'll be relying on my brother who's been running his own successful t-shirt business at and writing his own blog for a few years to steer me in the right direction. No one but me and about 5 other people really read his blog though so I don't know if I really should be listening to him for advice although his t-shirt business is very successful. He's got the creative genes in the family.

That's about it for now.

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